Carleton University’s research-intensive approach to critical issues includes taking a leadership role in climate change adaptation, sustainability and energy efficiency. They are some of our greatest strengths. Our award-winning faculty and researchers are contributing innovative solutions to assure a better future for Canada and the world.

Rafik Goubran
Vice-President (Research and International) and Chancellor’s Professor
Carleton University

eCampusOntario is thrilled to support collaborative innovation partnerships between Ontario businesses and the province’s colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes. The Ontario Collaborative Innovation Platform (OCIP) helps businesses remain at the forefront of their sector while giving students valuable work experiences, ensuring Ontario’s innovation capacity is stronger for tomorrow.

Dr. Robert Luke
Chief Executive Officer

Lakehead University is proud to rank in the top three Research Universities of the Year and as #1 in not-for-profit research income spotlight in the undergraduate category. Through partnerships and community connections, our researchers make an impact locally and globally to tackle the pressing issues of today, including healthcare inequities, food insecurity, housing access, and climate change.

Dr. Andrew P. Dean
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Lakehead University

Academic partnerships are crucial in tackling green economy priorities. Lambton is leading these efforts, notably through the Canadian Bio-Cleantech Applied Research Network and the Canadian Material Circular Economy Syndicate. These initiatives drive innovation, commercialization, and job creation in Canada’s growing cleantech sector, aligning with national environmental goals.

Dr. Mehdi Sheikhzadeh
Senior Vice-President, Research & Innovation
Lambton College

More than ever, universities have a critical role to play as sites for discovery and as beacons of truth in our society. McGill’s researchers are advancing and mobilizing their knowledge to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, from improving treatments and outcomes for rare diseases and cancer, to building more sustainable technologies and communities. Together, these efforts are contributing to a healthier, more innovative future for all.

Deep Saini
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
McGill University

Moving our research out of our labs and into the hands of those who can put it to its best use is core to our mission. Our entrepreneurial culture is driving commercialization and has positioned our start-ups for success – creating jobs, diversifying the economy and helping to keep Canada competitive.

Andy Knights
Vice-President, Research (Acting)
McMaster University

Ontario Tech University is delighted to be named Research University of the Year among Canada’s undergraduate universities for 2023. This achievement is a reflection of the tremendous strides our university has made in research intensity and industry partnerships. The strengths of our faculty members along with unique labs and facilities offer great opportunities for partners to invest in research and development that will grow Canada’s economy.

Les Jacobs, PhD, FRSC, ICD
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Ontario Tech University

At Queen’s, we are focused on creating the right conditions for research to thrive. From support for major science facilities to opportunities for early-career researchers and HQP, investing in research is investing in people. And it’s these people who, through partnership and collaboration, will position Canada to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

Dr. Nancy Ross
Vice-Principal, Research
Queen’s University

Through purposeful collaboration, Generator at Sheridan drives innovation and meaningful impact for an ever-changing world. Our researchers engage with passion and creativity, and Sheridan continues to receive recognition as a national leader in partnering with industry and community.

Andrea England
Vice Provost, Research
Sheridan College

Toronto Metropolitan University researchers are accelerating research to meet pressing challenges. By building on our expertise and strategic strengths, we bring focus to fundamental questions and adapt rapidly to a changing world in an era of disruptive technologies and intractable global problems. With our partners, we are advancing innovation in critical areas, including health and biomedical technologies, immigration, energy transitions and cybersecurity. We are developing solutions with a focus on technological and social dimensions to promote an inclusive future for communities and all Canadians.

Dr. Steven N. Liss
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Toronto Metropolitan University

At the University of Alberta our eyes are on the future. From advancing solutions in energy and environment, artificial intelligence, health and well-being to forging new paths in Indigenous research, agriculture and food, and social transformations our expertise is being brought to bear on today’s most pressing global issues. United with partners in industry, academia and government, we are ready to move Forward with Purpose.

Aminah Robinson Fayek
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
University of Alberta

The Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG) is transforming biodiversity science by integrating DNA sequencing, digital imaging, and informatics. Before 2050, the CBG and its global research network will fully inventory multicellular species and launch a global biomonitoring system to support humanity in addressing the biodiversity crisis.

Dr. Paul Hebert, OC, FRSC
CEO & Canadian Research Chair in Molecular Biodiversity
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics,
University of Guelph

The University of Ottawa is a leader in the Canadian research and innovation ecosystem. The world-first collaborative Brain-Heart Interconnectome program, together with our future Advanced Medical Research Centre and stellar research projects conducted with all our affiliated hospital research institutes, will transform the health of Canadians and generate new lifesaving treatments. With industry-university partnership in AI and cybersecurity, we are also instrumental in strengthening the competitiveness and success of our country.

Sylvain Charbonneau
Vice-President, Research and Innovation
University of Ottawa

At the University of Waterloo, we have prioritized our research into areas where we can play a critical role for maximum impact with an eye to the future. Our strategic Futures Framework focuses on economic futures, health futures, societal futures, sustainable futures and technological futures.

Charmaine B. Dean
Vice-President, Research and International
University of Waterloo

One of the largest and most diverse universities in Canada, York University is a driving force for positive change. Through a new Strategic Research Plan 2023-2028 focused on purposeful research and socially responsible innovation, York is committed to collaborative and interdisciplinary research excellence with global reach and positive community impact.

Amir Asif
Vice-President, Research & Innovation
York University
